Thursday, April 2, 2020

why do I always give in?

why do I always give in?

Is life really like this?
am I always blamed?
do I have to give in because of a feeling?
if that makes the world happy, I'll do it.

hate upset upset all jumbled.
I have never enjoyed school time, because I am a gloomy child and I am different from other children.
all seemed happy and happy with their school and friends.
whereas I count every day until graduation or holiday, every time I go home it's always like "hah finally one day has passed" like a prisoner.

I do not want to live like this all the time, until after work I like this? later when it's dead where are there memories that can be remembered while alive?

having negative thoughts can damage your own mentality.

So you feel themselves better, while you haven't started anything.

If you feel like it means you have started the first step. That is a step to care about yourself.

Which previously you did not have time to think now instead you are busy thinking about it.

This step is better for you to do even though it drags on from morning to night, busy your day with yourself, don't care about those who are laughing at you

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